Monday, April 27, 2009

Do Over

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lam 3:23 (NLT)

Last weekend in our video Dave Ramsey talked about getting a “do over” in life. Remember playing baseball in the backyard as a kid and when something went wrong you called for a “do over.” God’s grace allows for “do overs” even in our adult lives.

Dave also talked about taking care of the four main areas of our lives. Turning 40 last week got me thinking about a “do over” in every area of my life. Here are some questions to ask yourself when analyzing your personal “do over.”

Physical. Am I taking care of the one body God has given me? What can I do to increase my energy and better my health?

Mental. Am I continually learning? What am I reading? Should I take a class? Should I develop a relationship with a mentor?

Emotional. Am I being completely honest with my feelings? What are my motivations? Should I join a small group or develop an accountability relationship? Should I visit a counselor or life coach?

Spiritual. Do I live my life according to what I know the Bible says? Am I active in the family of God? Am I practicing the spiritual disciplines? Am I close enough to God to hear His whisper?

It’s never too late for a “do over” in any or every area of your life. Don’t let anybody tell you different. God’s Word promises, His mercies begin afresh each morning.