Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Resurrection

It truly was a happy Easter! God blessed us at the Ascension Convention (thanks to everyone for your help… you guys are awesome!) and Sunday we got to celebrate our risen Lord and Savior!

The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith. Some may ask what is the historical evidence that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Christian apologist Josh McDowell provides six facts that prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ in history.

Fact 1 – The broken Roman seal
Fact 2 – The empty tomb
Fact 3 – The large stone removed
Fact 4 – The Roman guard goes AWOL
Fact 5 – The graveclothes
Fact 6 – The appearances of Jesus after His resurrection

I don’t have room to go into all of the powerful details of each of these facts, but if you’re serious about looking into this evidence or know someone who is, take please visit www.josh.org and click Evidence for the Resurrection to get the whole story.