Monday, July 23, 2007

I have a favorite prayer request.

He isn't really being slow about his promised return, even though it sometimes seems that way. But he is waiting, for the good reason that he is not willing that any should perish, and he is giving more time for sinners to repent. The day of the Lord is surely coming, as unexpectedly as a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the heavenly bodies will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be burned up.
2 Peter 3:9-10 (TLB)

I have a favorite prayer request. I enjoy all of the praise reports. But I have a certain favorite prayer request. First, let me say that it is a privilege to pray each week for all of the requests that come in. Big and small they are all important to take to God in prayer. There is not a week that goes by that the pastors, staff, and I don’t intercede for needs of our church family.

Which is my favorite you ask? My favorite prayer requests are the ones for the salvation of friends, neighbors, co-workers, family, etc. I love to see someone have the passion for someone close to them to come to know Jesus. You see in these requests the burden for lost souls. I believe these unselfish requests touch the very heart of God. As our verse says, God doesn’t want anybody to perish and suffer judgment. God created everyone to have a personal relationship with Him and spend eternity in heaven (John 2:16,17).

These kind requests get even better when the person asks God for the open opportunity to share the Gospel with their friend. I believe God honors these requests. If you ask for the opportunity to share your faith, God will answer your prayer. Sharing our faith is a vital part of our relationship with God. It’s our responsibility as a part of His Body here on the earth. We are called to be His witnesses (John 15:27). We are called to be ministers of reconciliation between God and man in our world (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

Sharing your faith is a win-win situation. Either the person accepts Christ or you have planted a seed (1 Corinthians 3:6). Pray for an opportunity this week to share your faith with someone you know. In fact, take some tickets and invite them to our church picnic and movie night next Sunday at CLC. You have exactly what your world needs. Share it!