Colossians 3:2
On New Year’s Eve I taught about how we, as believers, need to change the way we think. We asked, “What does God say about you in heaven? What is our true heavenly identity in Christ?” I shared a list from Graham Cooke on our standing in Jesus. As you read this list let it shape your ALL IN thinking in 2014.
- You’re a new creation,
- You’re a people for His possession,
- All grace abounds towards you,
- All sufficiency is in you, through Him,
- You’re anointed,
- You’re the apple of God’s eye,
- You’re being perfected,
- You are the beloved,
- You are blameless,
- You’re blessed,
- You’ve got bold access to the throne of God,
- You can do all things in Christ,
- You’re chosen,
- Christ indwells you with all His fullness,
- You’re free of the curse,
- You’re dead to sin,
- You’re alive in Christ,
- You’re declared Holy,
- You’re free,
- You’re a friend of God,
- You’re fruitful,
- You’re gifted,
- You have the mind of Christ,
- He’s at work in you,
- He is for you, not against you,
- You’re healed,
- You’re hidden in Christ,
- You are His possession,
- You are His workmanship,
- You’re inseparable from the love of God,
- You’re a joint heir with Jesus,
- You’re justified,
- The Kingdom of God is within you,
- You’re lacking in nothing,
- You’re the light of the world,
- You’re made in His image,
- You’re more than a conqueror,
- You’re a new creation,
- You’re of sound mind,
- You are prepared for good works,
- You are protected and purified,
- You are redeemed,
- You’re sanctified,
- You’re saved,
- You’re sealed,
- You’re seated with Him in heavenly places,
- You’re a servant of God,
- You share His authority,
- You are strengthened by Him,
- You are the righteousness of God,
- You’re the temple of the Holy Spirit,
- You are a vessel of glory and honor,
- You walk in newness of life,
- You are a warrior,
- You are witnesses,
- And you are absolutely worthy of the Lord!