Sunday, May 06, 2012

Take Time Alone

Take time alone, with God a part
Take time - take time - oh restless heart,
Lest rushing so, you headlong spin
Into fruitless work that should never have been.
A busy day?  Take time alone,
To gird yourself at Heaven' throne,
Lest stumbling on, you lose your way
And in your own strength you will end in dismay.
Take time alone - oh enter not
On work for God - 'til Him you've sought.
Lest working thus without His plan
You will work for the eyes of your fellow man.
A burdened heart for one you love?
Take time alone, with God above.
Lest speaking first to that lost soul
You will lose the bliss of the Spirit's control.
When sorrows come - take time, my friend,
With Him, Who sticketh to the end.
Lest trusting in the things of time
You will never know His comfort sublime.
Take time alone - in quiet hush -
Take time - oh shun that needless rush:
Take time with God, in Him confide,
Take your place 'neath His wing, and there abide.

A poem from my Grandma Mary Merrill
November 21, 1939