Sunday, December 25, 2011

A thought from Pastor Jack Hayford this Christmas...

"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people." 
Luke 2:10

A thought from Pastor Jack Hayford this Christmas...

When we hear people say, "Bah, humbug!" as Christmas approaches, we know what they mean: our world's approach to Christmas can seem commercialized, crazed, and even cold. Still, we can never forget the love, light, and warmth of God's Christmas Gift to us: His very own Son. And that is a Gift worthy of our celebration! Christmas provides a great opportunity to share the love of God. Even people who don't know Jesus celebrate the season, and I believe God honors that, wanting us to reach to them with His Spirit.

Years ago, I decided to freshly open to the Holy Spirit each Christmas, and to refuse the "bah humbug" or "Scrooge spirit" that dampens delight and diminishes joy. Today, let's welcome the Lord and His season.