Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Awhile ago I received this list from a member in our congregation.  I wanted to share it with you this Father’s Day Weekend.

Ten Commandments of a Successful Father

Thou shalt hold no other group more important than the family unit, in all thy ways being faithful to it.

Thou shalt teach thy sons and daughters to love, respect and obey their parents.

Thou shalt be a loving and considerate husband.

Thou shalt not speak in a manner unbecoming to a Christian gentleman.

Thou shalt, by example, make Sunday a special day set aside for God and for worship as a family.

Thou shalt provide for thy family – spiritually and physically –in an adequate manner.

Thou shalt promote and lead family worship in thy home.

Thou shalt be honest in all thy dealings.

Thou shalt respect the desires and freedoms of the family as individuals.

Thou shalt be the head of thy household, while ruling it with love.