Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"You Don't Have To Hate Your Life"

I wanted share an exert from a blog by Pastor Perry Noble. You can check out his blog at www.perrynoble.com.

Jesus Christ did not die on a cross, reconcile us to God, give us His Word and fill us with His Spirit so that we could live mediocre lives!
He is ALIVE…and those who follow Him should be as well!
Our dreams should be bigger!
Our passion should run deeper!
Our potential is greater!
We are called!
We are gifted!
We are commissioned!
We should BEG Him for HIS direction…and understand that He wants to direct our steps WAY more than most of us want Him to!
We are not called to try to sell Him on our agenda but rather completely sell out to His!
You don’t have to hate your life…His call us for us is to live a full and complete one (John 10:10!)
So…let’s stop existing and start living…
The world does not need “more informed Christians” but rather more ignited, passionate, sincere followers of Jesus!
And when we LIVE in HIM…and the WORLD sees HIM…THAT is when He can use us to make the biggest difference!